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Apple and Berry Mason Jar Pie Recipes

Sep 2017

Finding interesting ideas for desserts that, not only, are delicious but also provide a “wow” factor isn’t always easy to do. That’s why we are featuring 2 recipes that are both easy to create and even more impressive! Whether you are hosting a bridal shower, garden party, cookout, baby shower, or the like, these mason jar pies are a fun way to serve dessert. Not only are they super easy to make, they are also super easy to eat. No mess, no fuss, and they are easily prepared in advance. They actually involve no cooking at all!

With the holidays fast approaching, pie is going to be in high demand. These mason jar pie ideas are a great way to serve up what your guests are looking for in a way that won’t slow you down in the middle of your hosting duties. 

In this recipe, we used Marie Callendar’s peace pies and berry pies as the base for our mason jar pies. You can use any frozen pie for this recipe. Simply place them on a aluminum foil lined sheet and bake per the instructions on the box.

Next, acquire some pint-sized mason jars and clean them thoroughly. Be sure you get lids and inserts if you are going to be transporting the desserts to another location.

After the pies are finished in the oven, simply scoop two heaping spoonfuls with an ice cream scoop into the bottom of the jars.

Next, top your pies with Cool Whip (see below for apple spice Cool Whip instructions), chocolate, caramel, sprinkles, toffee, or nuts. The toppings you choose will depend on the pie you select as your base.

Finally, decorate your jars! We simply place some twine around the jars, but you can use ribbon, paint, stickers, or more. If you need to transport them, make sure your toppings don’t stick out of the top. Then, you can simply place the lids onto the jars, pack them up in boxes, and easily move them. Be sure to find a way to keep them warm, and you might want to refrain from adding whipped cream and toppings until you reach your destination. The heat from the pie can cause the whipped cream to melt and the sprinkles and other toppings will lose their pop.

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